Written By: Isaiah Werner

Read Romans 3:9-26 + Romans 6:23

I can speak for myself in saying that reading a couple passages from Romans talking about how my sinful nature makes me “unrighteous, deceitful, and miserable” is not necessarily my idea of a good time. Believe it or not, I am not someone who enjoys really sitting in the weight of my sin.

Happy Thursday…day four of our Ten Days of Awe Devotional…I hope you’re doing well, now let’s talk about sin!

I think it’s probably safe to say that most of us don’t enjoy spending a lot of time ruminating in the depth of our imperfection, but as we continue to explore the awesomeness of God, I want to propose that embracing the awesome burden of sin is actually a beneficial practice for people who have been forgiven through the sacrifice of Christ.

And the burden of sin is awesome.
Not awesome like neat, cool, or “totally radical bro.”
But awesome like overwhelming, crushing, or unimaginable.
The weight and punishment of sin, as described in scripture, is huge.

It’s everything.

Simply put, it’s death and separation, not only from God but also from all of the goodness that comes along with him. I worry sometimes that I gloss over the implications of verses like Romans 6:23 because I’ve heard it so many times. As a follower of Christ, I live as someone who has been forgiven and freed from the punishment of sin so I often don’t adequately acknowledge how awesome it’s weight is and how massive the purchase price of my freedom must be.

I want to be clear that I’m not inviting us to wallow in shame today. I don’t believe that Jesus died for our sins and then holds it over our heads to keep us feeling guilty. That being said, I know that every time I take a moment to truly consider the role that sin has played in my story and ask questions like “who would I be without the grace of Jesus?” I find myself feeling equal parts overwhelmed with the burden of my humanity and unbelievable grateful for the grace of salvation.

Praise God that we are people who dwell in the good news of what Christ did on the cross and revel in the miracle of the empty tomb (more on that in the days ahead)! But today, let’s also be people who have not forgotten why the cross and the tomb are so significant. May we see our sin for what it is. May we know our nature intimately. May we not selfishly accept God’s free gift without understanding how much it cost and how much we need it.

I invite you to know the awesome burden of your sin today and let it lead you to gratitude for the fact that you don’t have to carry it.


  1. Spend time today praying…“here I am…disrupt me God and fill me awe and wonder.”

  2. Reflection Questions:

    1. How has God changed your life? Take some time to reflect on who you were and who you might have been if left to carry the weight of your sin.

    2. How does acknowledging the awesome burden of sin in your life lead you to repentance, gratitude, and a closer walk with God?