Bringing Life To Our City

"The Pursuit of Life on Life Community" - Blair Humphreys

Bringing Life To Our City (Part 8) This morning we welcome guest speaker Blair Humphreys as he discusses what it means to be connected to the people around us. Often times we find ourselves living in silos of separated community, but what this city needs is people to share their lives with each other. The Church is called to be soul on soul, life on life community so that others are truly known and truly loved. (Thes. 2:8)

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"Jesus and The Mission" - Tim Mannin

Bringing Life To Our City (Part 4) The mission of Jesus is restoration. We bring life to our city when we learn to live like a sent people, not a saved people. After his resurrection, Jesus showed hope and restoration to the disappointed, the doubting, the failed, and the inadequate. No matter who you are or what you're going through, there is restoration for you in Jesus.   (Luke 24, John 20)

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"The Whole Story" - Tim Mannin

Bringing Life To Our City (Part 1) We begin a new teaching series by examining the story of God and what we are doing as a church to fit into it. What does it mean to bring life to our city and what foundational ideas must occur as we look forward to who we will become over the next ten years? Consider this idea or message as part 1 of a much bigger conversation that includes: Your Life, Our City, Jesus, and the Church. (2 Corinthians 6)

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